Monday, April 27, 2009

hiking spread attempt 1 and bear spread attempt 1

I'm having fun the magazine spreads to the point I want to attempt to have more than 3 spreads in the end. I think trying to get 4 or 5 spreads will be a good amount to get an idea where the magazine identity can go. Here goes my first attempts.

So for the hiking spread I decided to go along a 3 column for each page as well as a full spread image to start. The problem I found in the end was that my article wasn't long enough to work with, so I think I'm going to stick with the bear spread and work from there hopefully.

So my first attempt to the bear spread was to have four columns for my text to lay in as well as a large image to introduce the article(s). One thing I know is my spreads will change again and the last spread won't be as intimidating will all the text, so it will be separated with more images and infographics possibly.

What I am happy with is the squat look of what my magazine will look like as well as big type for the title. I cant wait to do more iterations.

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