Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visual Advocacy: brief discussion in class

products don't last forever

sean- throw it in the ocean

the engine can only go so far

re-accounting for recycling, and go back in the process
the design can be in a such way a process could be reversed for a waste free place

What about now? what do we do with it?
-throw in the ocean..NOT!
-figure out a more useful way to work with waste

people are taking things apart from computers and reclaiming for themselves, and a lot of the people are getting ill from getting this job done. They sell the metal for raw material and assuming that they get it for free and find a way to make money. You do what you can to survive.

regulations- regulating the system is the signal of design failure
need to go back to the drawing board

ideas are out there because people will buy it, want it, and then go for it.
the idea of showing people having trouble in life and showing people, people will help send money their way.

where do we stop pollution? make a company not pollute, but to figure out where things are coming and understand consequences.

overall cap on emissions, by how big a country is how much emissions could happen. If US is under the amount of emission then other countries can by what they have left. The idea of amount of emission will go down each year to the point if you go over you would have to pay to make up for the additional emissions in the air. Global issue going on.

incentives are out there to get the idea out there. get the idea out there.

modular carpeting-
floorcarpet tiles flora
project zero
ray anderson interface


we don't live in isolation

you can send used tiles back so that they can be reused

books on screens vs. hand held books
need base vs. liking base in environmentally going towards

People are going to what want to do make them happy.

"the book your holding is not a book"

someone has to ask questions, on what it could look like.....a book on XYZ

with the resources we will get there.

Ants based on population and the fact there should be a lot less of us and to see how they work.
Size of population in ants vs. our population
more ants in biomass in weight to equal one of us.

where does graphic design fit in this?
in awareness by getting the word out there to having the iphone have a alert out there to let you know. Gray is going into the business looking to change the outcome to be better.

sound to come......

3 systems of directions towards the outcome
for friday to do 3 approaches- valid 3 different approaches not themes come up with approaches like playing cards, board game, and physical game.
low feud. prototypes doesn't complete the solution
don't lock into the details- general approach
by Oct 8th (show tyler and chris the prototypes) for homework have some testing going on between the 8th-15th for testing...multiple people to test at least 2 responses
take all three out to user test
what piece will get us further in the run
Oct 15th- have some verbal/ picking a direction/ present that direction and give their response
then to refine
Oct 22th- what content where
Oct 29th- visual design to components
5th, 12th, and Nov. 17th case study due to design ing. change and app. rolled in
then start to develop the idea more adding more to concept
thinking lateral

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