Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More research

Figure out what time of day is great to go fishing

a great place to read about regulations

When thinking of community for the hub, having the community share thoughts on the wall is nice so people can easily read, learn and understand what is going on within the community. Having related groups towards the topic is great for comparison so the viewer can jump between groups; having related videos will help a novice figure out the sport and determine if they would like to pursue. Having the community post pictures of there catch is a great way of allowing others to see what you achieved from kids to adults, like have an image to represent a person being the catch of the day award that would be posted for each day. Keeping community closer will be allowing blogs being available to others to read about their experiences.

It isn't necessary to have a boat to fish, but a good place to sit is a good suggestion. Having a good place for attraction my be ideal, but maybe having events going on will interest you.

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