Monday, September 6, 2010

MultiMedia: Communtiy poster info


Basic description of the Community:

In the fishing community, believing in equality is a way of keeping the tradition alive. As a way of coming together to share our achievements, it is important to show our sportsmanship. With our emotional and physical assets, we have the ability to feed ourselves, family and our community.

Activity info

This includes physical boundaries/what's/who's involved in a paragraph form:
As a community we come across physical boundaries within the areas of fishing to the ever changing weather, but we can never under estimate our outfit and mood. We enjoy spending time with our families or just the sportsman individually. The opportunities that are out there for us continually grows among the markets and the support of the government helps us get the ability to enjoy the sport.

Physical Boundaries:
land,busy industrial/ commercial areas, sewage/waste, pollution, private property, heavy wooden debris, wildlife regulations, climate/weather change (seasons), government, patience, boredom, outfit

What's/Who's Involved:
people: families, sportsman, individuals, farmers, hunters, boaters, local communities, seafood lovers
companies: retail sporting goods stores (fishing shops), fish markets, farmers market, grocery stores, fishing equipment companies, restaurants
government: agencies, Department of Parks and Recreations, Wildlife Gaming board

Fishing license, fishing rod, lures, bait, container for fish, life jacket, map

entertainment, nutritional/physical health, to eat, pride in competition, release/escape. tradition, enthusiast, sense of achievement

Shared values of the group:

providing food
sense of community recreation
knowledge, mentoring, instruction
maintained environment/ protection
document experience
good weather
right bait
water ways
sense of equality
enhance the sport


Individuals within the group have the power to influence other members of the community through shared values and experiences. From the sentimental aspect of sharing a traditional activity from generation to generation, an informal sense of respect and emulation is created through this bonding experience. Tenure and seniority within this recreation also creates a foundation of trust and credibility that can be taken as a valid and respected suggestion. Through these unspoken emotional layers of experience, new members have the ability to create nuances of a youthful perspective of what's needed to improve the sport within the community.

Shared Emotions

bonding experience
carrying on the tradition
sporting (pride of catching)

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