Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Multimedia: nonrevised version of script

How to find a fishing buddy already in the community

-giving Russell the ability to view from the map and getting instant feedback of how many fellow fisherman are in the area is helpful if Russell has a question to ask

-in this case, asking what type of bait should be used for bass fishing is important to get knowledge that Russell should obtain.

-after the needed question is asked, giving Russell the ability to swift through other fisherman in the area gives Russell information as to the other fishermen's experience in fishing and what their favorite type of fishing is too.

-when leaving the buddies option, giving Russell the ability to do some of the other applications while waiting for a response from the fellow fisherman in the area will give Russell new information as to how to find the right spot to fish.

-finally receiving feedback from the fellow fisherman gives Russell the sense of knowledge to learning a new trick of the trade and giving a response back gives Russell a sense of accomplishment.

How to find fish within the area

-from Russell's view, knowing where the hotspots are the first time out can be difficult so the fish finder can give instant, quick feedback as to where the fish are

-simply giving the application a chance to scan a photograph of the water will give Russell the needed information for being able to get the right catch that he wants

-the ability of viewing where the fish are within the area will also give Russell the information as to how big they are, how much they weigh, and where in the water the fish are.

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