Saturday, February 28, 2009


unique design decisions made during this phase:

Going through the process of painting each object that was going to be my main focus for icons first. Then to scan them in and vector each object. The process of vectoring was probably my most involved part of this phase because for each object it took between 2-7 times of redoing, just so the object looked playful. In the end, I decided to have the rule that parts are connected within the shape weather it was the black or white space. Another rule was to keep the black and white space consist throughout each icon. Also to keep my icons between 60-75% black fill.

project discoveries:

During this project, I have become to realize that I really do like making icons. Plus, during the process, I've realized how much math process has been brought into this project because math is a systematic process and I supposedly think systematically to make an outcome. Also, I realized that you can interpret objects in many different ways, like fills, outlines, and half and half. One of the main things, I learned during this part of the project is how can you make an object be understand in the least about of lines and then keeping the needed information to show the object completely.


the connotations that are communicated as a result of your formal/aesthetic direction:
- playful
- childlike
- a sharpness in some shapes and some of the looseness
- fear or dangerous aspect of the bear, band aid, and fire
- adventure
- sleeping bag could be restful, rugged, and warmth
- rain- soaking feeling and mud making
- backpack- child or young teenager, contains the important objects a child would have with them
- tree- nature, branching, a 'roof' over the head

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