Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Multimedia: Revised iphone and ipad app

With the revisions of the iphone and ipad, I refined the look a feel even more than before by adding more relationship of how the hub interacts or how the information is given. By giving the the user the ability to separate info of another fisherman in the field by giving the name with the experience points and then giving information about that fisherman. I also decided to integrate the the keyboard more into our system by keeping it the brown. Also gave another level of read/separation for view the fishermen in the area by applying a stroke of color around their image and then giving the number of fisherman circle a drop shadow to give more separation. I also decided to keep the mail icon, but giving a different color gave it a more friendly feel and the fact it is there when you view the fisherman, it gives you the opportunity to message them. Convenience is key, I feel, the ability to receive information and look through it easy to understand is best.

With the Ipad, the revisions included putting the illustrations of the fish in the water, and changing the feel of how the application opens automatically in camera mode and not having another camera icon to make it as confusing. I also made the depth chart more apparent to where you looking in the water by making them elongate more.
Overall I did apply a new image for the background to give it more as this is your fishing pole that your looking at. Micah and I always liked the idea of having the iphone and ipad as a personal use and having imagery to compliment it was nice.

More refinements to come.

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