Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Haiku and ides of what to use for each word

still disillusioned
moist ears dwindle, leaves smear, fires
clamber coyly, wet

Still: bottle caps, straw, grass, branch, nails, concrete, vents
Disillusioned: tea, layers of paper, sides of pen, torn cardboard, ribbons
Moist: towels, wet hair, broken ink pen
Ears: earrings, ear swabs, old headphones, fluff, cotton balls, cloth
Dwindle: straws( blow through), bubbles, caps of tops of drinks, tea bags, coffee beans, cd case, wrinkled up paper
Leaves: leaves(duh, lol), bark from a tree, branches, holes in leaves, different sizes, broken leaves
Smear: ribbon, feathers, rope, bracelet, smearing of leaves, pour of ink, marbles
Fires: lighter, matches, dead leaves, ashes, charcoal dust, air brush, burned hair
Clamber: different color, drop multiple pen caps, fabric, dried leaves, needles, staples, bathroom paper
Coyly: rocks, lights, plastic, thread, glue(texture), ribbon, ruler
Wet: water(colored), tea, coffee, ink, paint, bottle outside, glass, wet dirt(mud)

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