Thursday, January 28, 2010

Found Inspiration

This image (below) caught my eye for the reasoning of using simple type of black and white but adding color to the negative space when folded outward. The next question that I had in mind was is there a while to make this a challenge of a double meaning. Thinking about the answer is by finding a simple word that when you fold out the negative space to color it finished the thought of that simple word. It is just an idea.
This nest image brought my attention to another level of breaking up words without spaces and taking away letters. This idea would make the viewer think more in depth of what the designer is saying. This also can having many different layers to reading too.
The idea for this image was to look like abstract forms but when cut out and folded and looked at a different angle you were able to read it simply. This isn't at the top of my list to explore but it sure caught my attention.
Ah....this image, even though I feel like it is too busy, it has a good amount of information going on as well as a pattern revealing letterforms. The idea I feel towards this is to try to figure a way where the viewer can read it without wondering what letterform goes with what. The reason why I say that is because I got a bit confused with it being black and white, maybe color would help, some questions to asked about this one. What can make it clearer?

Bil'ak + Triggs Responses

What did you think of these readings?

When I began reading both Bil'ak and Triggs, I felt like it had some intellectual reasoning towards experimental type with having set rules where the variable could possibly change in the process. Both readings, they talked about how experimenting is in other words a 'research method.'

Does their definition of "experimental" match what you previously thought of the term?

I did like the way Triggs worded the definition of experimental, meaning 'taking risks and viewing those risks as a crucial to the development of the process.' I do feel like you can go into an experiment and think one idea is going to happen, but only realizing the whole idea could change. I also believe in process of experimenting can also help to realize or answer questions that come to mind, but of course it can open visuals and vocabulary to the idea, it gives 'newness' to the limitations.

Is it really useful to experiment if it doesn't have real application?

It was said that 'the amount of developmental time offered, the types of production processed used and the social in which the designer or typographer is operating - will affect the was a designer approaches the experimental and, consequently, the end product.' I personally feel like it doesn't have to be useful because designers can explore different ideas outside of the workplace. I sometimes wish I could have more time to finish experimenting with the different types of layouts I can use or the different formats that are out there. These ideas of what to use or where to position is just the little things I try to experiment with. I try to think of something new and different from what I have been doing, which I guess is sometimes another way of experimenting because I never really know what I can get done with until I get to the end result. I feel like experimenting an idea without a real application can somehow help influence later within an application, it can not be ruled out.

Point of View analysis

What is the author saying and how are they supporting their position or negating a different position?

Massimo Vignelli

Architect should be able to design

· Everything

· Improve (make better) the design of everything being made

o Point of view

~ Functional

~ Mechanical

o Reflect values

~ Cultural

~ Ethical

- Integrity

o Integrity

~ Purpose

~ Materials

~ Manufacturing process

Integrity of purpose implies a severe analysis of what the problem is

· Its meaning

· Possibilities for a range of solutions

o Determine the most appropriate for the specific problem

o Answer all questions posed by the problem

o Solutions to a problem are in the problem itself

o Reflect the approach taken

o By virtue of its configuration

o Stimulate cultural reactions in viewer

o No ideas are assumed w/o questioning them

Belief as a designer

· Responsibility to improve the world around us

· Make it a better place to live

· To fight and oppose trivia

· Ethics of modernism or ideology

o Commitment against

~ Greed

~ Commercialization

~ Exploitation

~ Vulgarization

~ Cheapness

o Search for cultural stimulation and enrichment of the mind

o Attitude

o Strength and dignity

· Architects are all modernists at core, so as designers

· Post modernism evaluates the issues of modernism

Katherine McCoy


· Language and form

· Coding and reading visual form

· Challenging the viewer to construct individual interpretations

Idealistic Time

· Emphasis on problem-solving

· Form follows functionalism

· Conceptualizing design solutions

Had her work looked at by Massimo

Clarity and cleanliness

Minimalist typographic vocab.

Gridded page structures

Post modernism

· Employ historical and vernacular elements

· Audience interpretation and participation

Modernism still re-emerging


How do you feel or interpret what they are saying?

The things I interpreted from Vignelli and McCoy were to keep finding different ways to come up with solutions, to think of language and form as well as point of view. I feel that in my position, I try to ask questions to improve my design so that the viewer will better understand it. One of the ideas I am keeping in mind this semester is functionality or purpose of the materials towards audience and manufacturers if the designs were to get mass produced.

Do you agree, disagree or are you ambivalent?

I agree with what both Vinelli and McCoy say towards design because I am figuring out day by day how to challenge a viewer in the language and form. McCoy was a big inspiration in my Gertrude Stein's expressive poetry book from last semester. When McCoy did her presentation my sophomore year, she showed work with words being broken by space in a book and changed the meaning of how we read. Her idea made me think of many other ways to give the viewer to think or read differently in direction or right to left or top to bottom, as well as breaking the words into pieces so the viewer would have to decode what is being shown.