Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Info Arch: Process

Before I had did some changes, I had a red/black stripes as my background which gave a myspace feeling, even though most of the backgrounds I have tired haven't met my standards of how TOOL feels when played.

When looking at what I have here, I wanted to keep the spot light feel when an item is clicked to represent the stage feel.

I know that my layout is very clean compared to how TOOL plays, but I thought it would be a nice contrast.

So far with the revisions, I was able to find a concert photo from TOOL with the lights, but I'm still getting the same feeling as before...What am I going to do? I guess keep looking. I changed my sorting buttons into rectangle boxes instead of the pill shape, as well as added another scroll indicator so it is more clear where you are at when scrolling.

One of the things I'm still working on is making my icons have white within instead of letting the color come through, which has be problematic, but will be solved. I'm also trying to figure a good color that would give enough contrast to the icons so they stand out, instead of the off white.

More to come ASAP.
A little better I believe, but trying to figure what is a good color for the background for the info-graphs.

I think I finally figured it out