Contents page- the contents page is used in the same way as I treat my design of each poem, which is reading left side going down instead of across like normal reading.
The way I treated the longer poems is by using one word to be represented at the same time still being able to enter where ever the reader seems fit.
For the smaller poems that consisted one or two lines I decided to separate all the words into individual letters, but for this one I kept the read left to right so the brain can put together pieces a little easier and see a clearer picture. With the medium length poems I kept with the same idea but instead of one letter by itself I did two letters, this is the next step of level of difficultly of reading, but also has the brain thinking even more to find the breaks and still combine the right letters together.
My approach towards rooms was actually still playing off the medium length poems, but instead of two letters it was two words. I decided in the end to do two spreads for rooms since I felt like it would be easier to understand it more by a continuation of the design.
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